Friday, September 16, 2011

Will I ever be caught up?

Hello all!

Well, the weather is starting to cool down and I'm sure the leaves back home are getting ready to change colors, so that only means one thing...I'm falling further and further behind with my updates...hahaha!

So, I last posted Harrison's Dedication Ceremony.  Since that time, we've enjoyed a 4th of July dinner with some friends, two family days - one for the squadron and one for the MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) to which Josh will be attached for his deployment, a few trips to the pool with Harry, play dates with our friends Jackson and Xavier, and a 6-month/family photo shoot.  Not to mention, Daddy (Josh) has been training two weeks out of every month since July...we really miss him when he's gone, but we know it's important for him to be ready for his deployment when the time comes.

As always, I have pictures to accompany our adventures, so....

Let's begin!

On June 24th, we attended the HMM-268 Red Dragons Squadron family day.  It was lots of fun and we enjoyed getting out and finally getting to introduce Harrison to many of Josh's friends and co-workers from the squadron.  Those that had already met him were surprised to see how much he had grown!

Enjoying the festivities and a good chew on Daddy's fingers!

Samantha and her daddy, Kyle, enjoying a snow cone

Ethan, Kyle & Stephenie's son, enjoying his snow cone

Love that shirt Celi!

The CO's wife...I was trying to get a picture of her shirt which says "Phrogs Forever."  Unfortunately, it looks like I was just trying to get a picture of her chest!  Sorry Lilia!

All tuckered out from the excitement!

Woke up just in time to give the CO some pointers about flying!

On the 4th of July we had some of our friends over for grilled steaks, corn on the cob, sauteed veggies, and pasta salad.  Our friends Matthew and Emilee and their little boy, Jackson, along with our friends Mike and Jennifer and their little boy, Xavier, came over to help celebrate Independence Day!  It was YUMMY food and a great time spent with our friends!

Mama and Harrison playing before the guests arrive...

Daddy Duty!  Love it!

Should have gotten a picture of the table after all the food was cooked!  Oh, well!

Me and the girls!  Emilee, myself and Jenn.

We attended the MEU Family Day in August and had such a great time!  Josh played on the volleyball team representing his squadron, HMM-268 (REIN), and they won the volleyball tournament!  Harrison and I spent most of the time enjoying the beautiful weather under the big shade trees on the grounds of the Ranch House.  There was lots to do and see, and it was a great way to spend a Friday afternoon.  We also won Harrison a bike in the raffle!  Of course, he won't be able to ride it for a couple years, but we'll be ready!  I didn't get a chance to take pictures that day, but we certainly enjoyed ourselves!

This summer, we've enjoyed a couple trips to the pool with Emilee and Jackson.  Harrison absolutely LOVES the water!  He's not scared at all, and I've even "dunked" him a couple times...the first time, he was a little startled and cried only for a few seconds.  After that, no tears!  I'm just hoping when we come home, we'll be able to continue swimming at the YMCA so he doesn't develop a fear of the water!

A fun, sunny day at the pool with Emilee, Jackson, Jenn & Xavier

Worn out from a day at the pool!

Daddy is trying to prove that he can multitask.  Look at my I look amused???

"Hey. Hey, Jackson.  We're going to be best buddies!"

And finally, as we draw to the close of this blog post, I will share with you Harrison's 6-month photo session in our backyard, and the 6-month PROFESSIONAL family photo session we had with our friend Stephanie Zyga...hey, she has Photoshop!

These are the pictures we took in our backyard on August 25th, his 6-month celebration!

Such a handsome little guy!

LOVE this one!

I wanted to include this one because, even though he's not looking at the camera, you can see those beautiful eyelashes he has!  He gets those from his daddy!

Here are the photos from our photo shoot at the Ranch House on base.  I've included just a few, but below the pictures are the link to the website where you can see all of the pictures.


We plan to have this one blown up on canvas and hang it over our fireplace mantle!  We absolutely love this picture...pretty much our family in a nutshell!  Hahaha!

Here is the link to view all of the photos:

So that just about brings us up to date.  One more note, though.  We did have quite a scare with the little guy last night that resulted in a trip to the emergency room.  Harrison had his flu shot yesterday, along with another vaccination, and developed a high fever and shallow, rapid breathing last night.  We thought it best to take him in, just to be on the safe side.  By the time we got back into the ER, his temperature had spiked to 103!  The doctors and nurses were great and we saw his temperature going back down within a couple hours.  We got home from the hospital around 5 am, so he slept until 1:30 this afternoon!  He seemed like he was feeling better, but as the day wore on, I think he started feeling a little icky again...his temperature is under control, I just think he's still experiencing some of those aches that comes along with the flu shot.  Plus, with him chewing on almost everything he can get his hands on, and drooling up a storm, we think a tooth will probably break through any day now.  So, that certainly makes him a little more cranky. 

He is a pro at rolling over onto his stomach, and can roll from his stomach to his back with some concentrated effort.  He's drawing his knees up under when he's on his tummy, so we think he will begin crawling very soon!  There's been a couple times that he's crawled with his legs, but he hasn't gotten the hang of what he needs to do with his arms, so he usually just tumbles onto his head, which he does NOT like at all! 

He's now eating solid foods and loves all the veggies he's been having over the last few weeks:  sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas and green beans.  This week, we will start with fruits...yum, yum, here we come bananas and apples!

We have officially started the countdown to our arrival in NC - we estimate 35 days (a cross-country trip has the potential for some unexpected delays).  We are aiming to leave here on October 17th (Josh's dad flies in on October 16th) and we hope to arrive in NC no later than October 21st.  We are SO excited to be moving back to the east coast for a few months!  We only wish that Daddy could join us for those few months!

Over the next few weeks, we will be packing for the trip and we also have a "Mess Night" which is the formal event being held for the squadron since they will be deployed during the time of the Marine Corps ball in November.  And Josh's birthday is coming up on Monday!  He'll be 33!  And he just grows more and more handsome and distinguished every year!

Well, we love you all and miss you all so much, but not much longer until we'll be seeing you again!  Please continue to pray for my cousin, Brandon, who is in Afghanistan and for Emilee's husband, Matt, who is still recovering from his injuries.  And please continue to pray for safe training and flights for Josh. 

Love and blessings to all!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Harrison's Dedication Ceremony

Harrison Pruitt Smith's Dedication Ceremony
(the link to the invitation)

I didn't want this to be such a short post, but I am trying to get this out because it's been two months now since Harrison's dedication ceremony, and it's about time I uploaded the pictures!  He is upstairs napping, and Josh is on the ship for two weeks of training, so, in order to finally get this one out, it will have to be a short one (sorry).

We had Harrison's Dedication Ceremony on Sunday, July 3rd.  We had it at our church, Cornerstone Community Church, and Pastor Jeff Rosen led us in dedicating Harrison into God's family and in making our commitment to raise Harrison according to God's word.  Our friends Nathen and Nadia attended, along with our friends Jesse and Kathy and Jesse's mom, Maggie. 

After the ceremony, we all enjoyed a delicious lunch of Southern style BBQ at Lucille's in Temecula.  It was a wonderful day shared with wonderful friends, and we continue to feel so blessed to have this little guy in our lives!  Enjoy the pictures!

Harrison wondering what Daddy is doing with his pacifier
(before the dedication)

Reclaiming his pacifier :)

Pastor Jeff speaking to us about Hannah being a childless woman and her prayers to God to be blessed with a son (this touched me deeply).

We were listening closely, but Harrison was plum tuckered out, so he decided to take a nap :)

Praying over baby Harrison

Harrison's Certificate of Dedication

PS - Nathen and Nadia welcomed their son, Nolen Hesham Baker, on August 14th.  He's a beautiful, healthy baby and we couldn't be happier for them!

Love and Blessings to all!